SAT, September 23, 2023 @ 10:00 AM
2338 Mud Creek Rd., Morrison, MO 65061
Directions: From Highway 50 at Freedom, take Rte. N to Rte. KK at Hope, to Mud Creek Rd then left to the Grain Bins
3 NH TR70 Combines w/ Ford engines & STD Trans, NH TR75 Combine w/ Ford Eng. Hydro, JD 643 Head, low tin, Various Corn Head parts, 3 Bish Head changers, NH 962 Corn Head 6-30 (works), 3 NH 962 Row Units (good), 2 NH 962 Row Units for parts, NH 960 15 foot head, NH Heads for Parts, NH TR70 straw chopper, NH TR70 w/ Cat Diesel Hydro, NH TR75 Ford Engine Std. Trans w/ 16 Ft Head, JD 20’ Grain Head w/ Trailer, Good NH 960 20’ Head and Trailer, Cat 955H High Lift w/ GP Bucket (860 hours on Engine Overhaul), Steiger ST251 Four Wheel tractor 23.1-34 Duals, 290 Cummins 20 speed w/ 3 pt fast hitch, and four sets of remotes, Case 2290 (80 model) 5,228 hours 4 post 8 speed, 460 85R-38 w/ duals, 3 PT and dual PTO, Case 1175 (72) 3,083 hrs., 460 85R-38 w/ Cab 3 PT dual PTO, Case 1070 (1976) hours unknown, 8 speed 4 posts 18438 w/ G.B. 900 Loader w/ Bale Spear only, Case 1030 (1968) w/ Cab 18.4-38 tires 7,013 hours 3 PT. 540 PTO, Case 1470 w/ Cab 4 wheel drive, 4 wheel steer, 3 PT w//arts way 5,000 loader and 9’ bucket, Case 1470 w/ Cab 4 WHL drive 4 WHL STR, 3 PT and PTO, Case 1470 w Cab 4 wheel drive 2 wheel steer 3 PT. Case 1070 w/ Cab (1976) Power shift, extra rear weights, Case 930 (1966) diesel tractor, Case 2670 w/ cab w/ 10’ Walden Front Blade 3734 hrs., Numerous Case parts, Case D.O.T. 21’ Disc 22 inch blades, JD 230 22 foot disc, JD 330 20’ disc 24 inch blades, IH. 468 Seed Bed Conditioner w/ JD FC Shanks 20 ft, JD 515 Drill Accuplant Openers needs assembly/repair, JD 530 Drill/Planter Hitch w/ markers has 7 hydraulic Cylinders, JD 7100 Planter 6-30 Ausherman (no-till), JD 7000 tool bar only, JD 7000 Planter w/ JD no till coulters mounted behind furrower attachment, JD Planter Plates, 8-JD 71 Flex – Planter units (still made by Yetter Mfg.), JD 400 15 foot rotary hoe, Yetter 20 foot rotary hoe, extra rotary hoe wheels, NH 488 and 479 9’ hay bines, extra sickles, NH 451 7 foot 3 PT mower, NH 256 Hay Rake, Gehl 308 8 wheel 3 PT Hay Rake, NH 851 baler HYD Tie, NH 850 baler Electric Tie, NH 851 baler auto wrap, NH 851 baler HYD Tie, NH 56 hay rake 3 PT bale unroller, DMI HYDRA wide 4 bottom adjustable width plow, Case 4000 8 bottom 16” plow, on land new tires, 3 Farm Hand 810 grinder mixers, Gehl CB 600 Silage chopper 2 row 30”, Cobey Covered Silage wagon w/ 15 Ton Truck Hoist, KB375 Gravity Wagon on 10 Ton running gear, Kinze 400 Auger cart w/ extensions 500 BU (needs lower Auger liner) Bale Trailer, Bush Hog 13 Ft pull type rotary cutter, DC Welder w/ Wisconsin Engine, Honda Big Red, Sioux loader 7 Ft Bucket, Bale Spear for front loader or 3 PT, 3 PT Quick Hitches, 3-PT PTO ditcher, JD RG-6-30 Row Crop Cultivator, Bush Hog DM 9 FT disc mower, Krone AM281 disc mower, KB350 Gravity Bed, Westfield 8×61 Swing Auger, Mayrath 8×61 Swing Auger, Mayrath 8×56 Auger, Kewanee Flat Elevator 40 FT, 40 BU Hog Feeder, CAT D7 3T Cable Dozer w/ angle & tilt blade, new corner bits and cutting edge, good SEGMENT sprockets and under carriage, LeTourneau Cable Scraper, Westinghouse 8 Yrd. Scraper converted to Hyd. (works), Fox 2 row 30” Silage chopper, and 1470 Case Cab Tractor w/ 3 PT for parts.
16- 30 Foot Ring Lock, All aluminum pipes 8”, 19-Aluminum 30’ 8” pipes w/ steel ends, 34-8” Twist Lock all aluminum 30’ pipes, 6” 30’ Suction Tube, Hale 1000 GPM 1000 RPM PTO irrigation pump – needs shaft and hitch installed, and Irrigation Pump w/ 3 PH motor (locked), 1 Skunk Trap, 2-18’ diameter butler grain bins w/ base rings (disassembled 3750 BU each w/ no floors), 1 18 ‘all aluminum grain bin, steel drying floor and plenum, (buyer must remove) 4-24” Bin fans for parts, WW90-M Water Winch traveling irrigation gun w/ 600 +/_ ft soft hose dual reel, extra soft hose (unknown length), and WW9000 Water Winch traveling irrigation gun for parts.
1981 GMC General Cab and Chassis, 300 Cummins Twin Screw (Old Fire Tanker Truck has pump and controls) will take an 18’ bed, International Transtar II tandem road tractor, 350 Cummins, 12513 transmission, Shop made STD 5^th wheel goose neck trailer, 44’ -Air over hydraulic brakes, Various used International Trucks, Cars, School Busses and Pickups most are not running and most w/ Titles. White Cab w/ 250 Cummins and Transmission w/ no rear end.
SCRAP METAL Large Lot of Aluminum, Cast and Mild Steel
PROPERTY OF JOHN KRUEGER ESTATE – JAMES KRUEGER PR 2006 Prius 229,000+ miles has some storm damage, JD 165 Hydro Riding Lawn Mower, Snapper Rear Tine Tiller, Troy-Bilt “Tuffy”, Stihl MS170 Chain Saw, US General Stack Tool Chest, Craftsman 6 Horse 16 gallon wet and Dry Vac, Multi ladders, Louisville 4’ Step Ladder, Low Profile Floor Creeper, 20 Ton Shop Press, Appliance Dolly, 100’ Heavy Extension Cord, 2.5 HP 21 Gallon Air Compressor, Cable Chairlift, Various Hand Tools, Spades, Forks, Shovels, Drills, Saws, Wrenches, Air Tools, Tool Chest, Hoses, Weights and Weight Bench, Havahart small live trap, T posts, Sheet Metal, Paint, and Cleaning Supplies. |
Owners: James Krueger Family
TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, or Approved Checks. A 3% surcharge will be charged on all credit card purchases. A $25 Fee will be charged for any returned checks. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft, or Loss. Buyer must register for bidder’s number day of Auction and show proof of proper identification. Photo required. Announcements the day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. Auctioneers are licensed in Cole County, Missouri.