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Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV

Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV

SUN, August 6, 2023 @ 10:30 AM
Disabled American Veterans Building
5054 Monticello Rd., Jefferson City, MO 65109
Directions: 4.8 Miles West on Hwy 54 from Ellis Blvd.
ANTIQUES: Full Size Bedroom Set, Large China Cabinet, Buffet, Wash Stand, Twin Bedroom Set, Cast iron kettle stand, Antique mirrors, head vases, antique books, foreign coins, various retro/MCM décor, milk can, porcelain dolls, Coca Cola Tray, coins mint settles, popcorn popper, chest of drawers, spinning wheel, marble end table, silver tea set, Mary Gregory Lamp, school bench, quilt rack, eagle claw foot table, coffee grinder, wash boards, antique glass, butter churn, marble top tables, vintage toys and games.
FURNITURE & APPLIANCES: Deep Freeze, Patio Set, Drop leaf table with 2 chairs, ottoman, kitchen items, chest of drawers, night stand, dresser, loveseat, legal secretary, end tables, TV and Stand, Chairs, Dishes, Pots and Pans, Dining Room Table and chairs, Curio Cabinet, and other household items.
TOOLS/FARM EQUIPMENT/OUTDOOR: 5X8 Utility Trailer, 10×77 Utility Trailer, 12 inch Craftsman chop saw and table, delta table saw, 2 portable 10,000 BTU air conditioners, hand tools, lawn and garden items, steel tubing, steel angle iron, steel round bar, pick up ladder racks, 19 ft. extendable fiberglass ladder with stabilizer, 2 industrial cabinets, welding table 120x60x34, 3500lb axle, sheet diamond plate aluminum, sheet diamond plate steel approx. 80×61, Cattle panels and fence post, Craftsman pull behind seeder, Craftsman pull behind de-thatcher, Craftsman Push mower, Axes and splitting mall, Still gas weed eater, welder, radial arm saw, grinder, hand tools, wash tub, chain hoist, valve grinder kit, table saw, grout cutter, merchants scale, shop vac, safe, Step ladder, and mighty Joe aluminum extension ladder.
MISCELLANEOUS: Jewelry, 2 pieces of Slate, Mary, Joseph, & Jesus’ blow molds, trunk, holiday decorations, and Inversion table, blankets, quilts, crafts, and sewing paraphernalia.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This Auction will be very large and will have 2 rings. Utility Trailers will sale at 1 PM.
OWNERS: Greg Duckett and Patricia Jones, Raymond Bloomer and Shane Harris.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, or Approved Checks. A 3% surcharge will be charged on all credit card purchases. A $25 Fee will be charged for any returned checks. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft, or Loss. Buyer must register for bidder’s number day of Auction and show proof of proper identification. Photo required. Announcements the day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. Auctioneers are licensed in Cole County, Missouri.
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | August 6, 2023 | DAV

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