SAT, October 26, 2024 @ 10:30 AM
2434 Rt. E, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Directions: Hwy. 54 to Rt B, turn onto Rt E. OR Coming from the South – Hwy. 54 to Rt H, turn onto Rt E
TRAILERS/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: 2014 BMS Ranch Pony 500 UTV YXQuad X5, 192 miles, Z445, John Deere Zero Turn Mower 366 Hrs., 4300 John Deere Tractor 1,020 Hrs., Squealer Brush Hog, 2016 Doolittle Trailer, and 1994 Doolittle Trailer, Craftsman 5HP 25 Gal Air Compressor, 1975 TASS Motor 1.25 HP, 1965 Grumm 18’ Aluminum Canoe, Paddles, Jumper Cables, Traps, 215 HP Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, Log Splitter, 3 Pt Post Hole Digger, Disc, Band Saw, Fan, Table Saw, Miter Saw, Lumber, Kino Kutter Planer, Stand w/Delta Grinder, Power King Planer, Drill Press, Asst. of Hardware, Wooden Ladder, Extension Cords, Bow & Arrow, Stanley #77, Bench Vice, Nuts, Bolts, C Clamps, Garden Tools, Screws, Washers, Nails, Floor Jack, Miscellaneous Motors, Stihl Weed Eater, Shop Vac, Delta Planer, Sawhorses, Pull Type Sprayer, Pull Type Seeder, Old Wooden Trailer, Two Wheel Dolly, Air tanks, Miscellaneous Tin, Chainsaws, Metal Detector, Miscellaneous Lumber, Ratchet Straps, Extension Cords, Battery Charger, Metal, Wheels, Tires, Chains, Milk Bucket, Fencing Wire, T Posts, Tomato Cages, Water Tank, Barrels, Tree Stand, Horse Equipment, Welding Miscellaneous, Rods and Reels.
HOME/APPLIANCES: 2 beds w/Mattress & Box Springs, Chest of Drawers, Quilts, Bedroom Suite w/Armoire, Dresser w/Mirror, Kitchen Table & 6 Chairs, China, Pots & Pans, Microwave, Corner Cabinet, Books, Sewing Machine, Samsung Flat screen TV, Pool Table, Washer & Dryer, Step Stool, and Christmas Decorations
ANTIQUES: Blue Jars, Crocks, Singer Vacuum Sweeper, Medicine Bottles, Antique Tools, and Pinball Machine
Sellers: Alan Sommerer & Wentao Pan Trust
TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, or Approved Checks. A 3% surcharge will be charged on all credit card purchases. A $25 Fee will be charged for any returned checks. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft, or Loss. Buyer must register for bidder’s number day of Auction and show proof of proper identification. Photo required. Announcements on the day of the Auction take precedence over printed matter. Auctioneers are licensed in Cole County, Missouri.