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Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV

Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV

SUN, October 29, 2023 @ 10:30 AM

Disabled American Veterans Building

5054 Monticello Rd., Jefferson City, MO 65109

Directions: 4.8 Miles West on Hwy 54 from Ellis Blvd.

ANTIQUES, KITCHEN, & HOUSEWARES: Salesman sample cook stove, Convection oven, Card table w/4 chairs, mirrors, full size bed, queen size bedroom set, dresser/mirror, chests, 2 twin bed frames, roll top desk, pictures, linens, towels, canes, vacuum, dishes, assortment of pots & pans, microwave, pressure cooker, lamps, end tables, area rug, curio cabinet, TV stand, coffee maker, sterling silver spoons, dishes, board games, kitchen table w/6 chairs, Enterprise Coffee Grinder, Old Water cooler, Water canners and canning jars, nut cracker, cook books, instant pot, wicker baskets, Tiffany lamp shade, Old Ingram 8 day clock, a large quantity of Griswold items; Fry Pans #2, Hearts and Stars #60, Water Pot #0, Oval Skillet 1013, Deep bowl #71, Dutch Oven, #19 muffin, Oval skillet #13, Wagner pot w/lid 1364, Wagner Drip Drop Roaster w/lid #9, Wagner waffle iron and oval pot #0, skillet, fry pans, Wagner creamer 212, Wagner cast iron, Cast iron ornate cooking stoves, Dutch Oven, Belgium and Denmark cast iron cookware, Toy cast iron stove, Quality Dairy Cooler, Several Jewel Tea items, Tea Kettles, desk lamp, stain glass hanging lamp, cradle, Spinning Wheel, Singer sewing machine in box, Pool Table lamp, coffee grinder, Cast iron wall registers, Antique round floor fan (Kissee Fan Co), Drip Drop Roaster, and waffle iron, hope chest, Antique Philco radio, Life Bro infrared heater, wood-heat stoves, vacuum, coffee table, granite steel canning pot, an assortment of dishes, and file cabinets.

OUTDOOR: Harrington & Richardson Arm Co. Fire Arms, Old glass chicken waterer, Egg baskets, Step ladders, old kiln, Colman camp stove, sled, wood porch swing, fishing poles, boat anchor, camping chairs, electric heaters, floor fan, bike rack, patio furniture, yard tools, Stihl weed eater, Stihl chainsaws, Poland 370 chainsaw, Pole saw, Homelite Super 2 chainsaw, and battery charger.

MISCELLANEOUS: Zenith advertising items, Cookie jars, Porcelain dolls, folding tables, model ships, aquarium, hanging scale, glass milk sample tubes with metal box, porch milk coolers, Dairy Coolers, Cast iron clock, quilts, quilt rack, wash tubs, walker, wheelchair, porcelain table top 4 chairs, pet cage, costume jewelry, hanging scale, shelving, Christmas decorations, Ab and back machine, Elliptical machine, and Stair stepper.

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This will be a large sale. Many boxed items from storage unit. There will be 2 rings.

TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, or Approved Checks. A 3% surcharge will be charged on all credit card purchases. A $25 Fee will be charged for any returned checks. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft, or Loss. Buyer must register for bidder’s number day of Auction and show proof of proper identification. Photo required. Announcements the day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. Auctioneers are licensed in Cole County, Missouri.

Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV
Public Auction | October 29, 2023 | DAV

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