SAT, October 5, 2024
Personal Property to sell @ 12:30 AM
Real Estate to sell @ 1 PM at 28642 Pam Jones Rd., Clarksburg MO
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18TH 4:00- 6:00 PM
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25TH 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Directions: Take Hwy. 50 W to Pam Jones Rd. Property on the Right.
Pam Jones Rd., Clarksburg, MO 65025 43 acres in Moniteau County, is a brick house, one car garage, 3 Bedroom home, in need of some repair with a full basement. This property has 2 ponds and a barn. There is 1,752 feet of frontage on Pam Jones Rd.
EQUIPMENT: SFT Pull Type Rotary Cutter, Ferguson 3 Pt 6 Ft Disc, Pull Type Rotary Hoe, Stock Tank, D-17 Gas Tractor 3 Pt with Quick Change Wheels, 25 Ton Gas Wood Splitter, Scotts 17.5 HP Riding Mower with 42’ deck mower, 3 Pt Grass Seeder, 3 Pt Bale prong and other miscellaneous items.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, or Approved Checks. A 3% surcharge will be charged on all credit card purchases. A $25 Fee will be charged for any returned checks. Not Responsible for Accidents, Theft, or Loss. Buyer must register for bidder’s number day of Auction and show proof of proper identification. Photo required. Announcements the day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. Auctioneers are licensed in Cole County, Missouri.
REAL ESTATE TERMS and CONDITIONS: 5 (Five) percent of purchase price to be paid into escrow on the day of auction. Osage County Abstract will be the escrow agent. Buyer must be preapproved by their lender and have a pre-approval letter from Bank to present to Gratz Real Estate & Auctioneering on day of auction. Buyer must sign a sales contract prepared by legal counsel the day of the auction. Closing will be held on or before 45 days. The cost of the title insurance will be split equally between the buyer and seller. Taxes will be pro-rated at closing. Owner agrees to give possession and clear title at closing. Announcements at Auction take precedence over all printed matter. For an appointment to view the property prior to auction, call Bill Gratz at 573-690-0477. Auctioneer is licensed in Cole County, Missouri.